
Harvest RIce and Learn KHmer CUlture

Join us for an excursion to learn the history of rice farming, and try your hand at it!

We’ll head to Phnom Leap, a small village in a region famous for its rice production, fruit trees, and gorgeous sunsets. We’ll meet the people whose farm we’ll be working on, an get to ask them questions about their life and the history of the region.

We’ll provide all the tools and instruction you need, and we’ll try to harvest some rice by hand. Before the recent introduction of farming machinery in the last 5 years, this is the way rice was always harvested— time consuming, and a whole village effort!

Enjoy a well-deserved break under the Banyan tree, and eat local lunch together with our hosts.

After lunch and a brief rest, we’ll head to visit the local school and meet some students. Education is one of the best ways for students to have opportunities in later life. Then we’ll head to the temple, meet with some monks, and receive a water blessing before heading back towards town for a glorious sunset and an end to our day in the countryside.

Orkun chr’arn!
